February 18, 2025

Analytical Business Tactics

Long Term Benefits of Investment

These wouldn’t be my first steps if I were all about the growth agenda Keir

These wouldn’t be my first steps if I were all about the growth agenda Keir

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Messages from the archive of Rutherford Hall, critical communications strategist

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WhatsApp to Stephen: How do we get into this global investment summit Labour is planning to hold next month? It will be full of potential overseas clients and it will be very useful for them to see us there.  

WhatsApp to Stephen: Yeah. Grateful as they were for our key role in rustling up contacts for their business letter before the election, they are now saying they don’t want a room full of PR companies. So we need to offer something, like an overseas client who is a potential investor. Any ideas?

WhatsApp to Stephen: Of course. OpaqueAI. They were talking about UK data centres last time we were over there. Perfect. 

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Alan, are you still looking for data centres — sorry, centers — in the UK? I’ve got an idea to cut through your planning issues and get a big win with the new government too, which is actually very keen on planning reform.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Basically, Labour is holding a huge investment summit, the PM, chancellor, all the top people. They have a major growth agenda, which is about showing Britain is back as a business-friendly investment destination.

It’s very select. Only the biggest names in finance and industry but we know people at Downing Street and can get you in if we can tell them you are seriously thinking of committing to the UK. You’ll get important friends in government who will want your views on deregulation. You in?

Telegram to OpaqueAI: No don’t worry, we haven’t arrested any tech titans here. That was France. Just fly direct, you’ll be fine.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Seriously, you have to stop listening to Elon on these things, we are not sliding into civil war (though things did get heated over the Oasis ticket sale).

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WhatsApp to Varun Chandra: Varun hi, long time. So how’s life as Keir’s business adviser? I bet the old office had a better view! Anyway, don’t want to waste your time. One of our US clients is interested in a major UK investment and I wondered if you’d like me to get them to your investment summit. I won’t give it all away yet but they are a big cutting-edge tech name, so would boost the story of the UK as a tech hub.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Great news, you are in. 

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WhatsApp to Stephen: Great news. We are in.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Btw I may have told them you are thinking of the UK as your European hub but once you look at what the EU is doing on digital services, you will probably reach that conclusion anyway.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Don’t pay much heed to those stories about “the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights for decades”. The really bad stuff is woolly and out to consultation. They don’t want to spook investors. 

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: No, I’m sure stuff on the right to switch off after hours will be weak and vague. This isn’t France. 

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: No, the right to demand a four-day week will be unenforceable. This isn’t Belgium.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: We don’t yet know about the tax plans. There will be some nasty stuff on non-doms but you aren’t thinking of moving here anyway. But this is something you can push them on at the summit. They don’t want to spook investors.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Yes, there may be a move on capital gains tax but they don’t want to undermine their growth agenda.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: Yes, trade unions will get some more power. But don’t worry this isn’t Germany. They don’t want to deter investors. 

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WhatsApp to Varun: Have to be honest, some of the recent news stories have spooked our guys a bit. These wouldn’t be my first steps if I was all about growth! You aren’t exactly shouting “invest here”. Our guy is a bit concerned.

Telegram to Alan OpaqueAI: I’ve got you a sit down with the business secretary. And once you commit, you’ve got leverage, they won’t want bad press about prestige investors walking away.

From [email protected]

To: [email protected] 

Hi Sarah, 

Varun Chandra at Downing Street mentioned you were going to be at the UK’s global investment summit next month. My firm is there too — we did a lot behind the scenes during the election — and we are building up a specialist role as a business conduit to the new government. Wondered if you and your US colleagues had time for a coffee at or around the event. 


Rutherford Hall

Find me on Strava, KoM Sydenham Hill, PR Al Jubailah/Bawdah Loop — 42 mins

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WhatsApp to Stephen: Not sure about the UK, but I’m feeling bullish about our inward investment.

Messages recovered by Robert Shrimsley


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